The very action of cutting a cigar is a moment to be cherished. Indeed, this new instrument has been designed to complement the aesthetic sophistication of the cigar connoisseur. A cigar requires proper preparation if it is to provide a truly satisfying smoking experience – it needs to be given an opening which is large enough to enable an adequate passage of air between its two ends. Victorinox offers a simple but ingenious pocket multi-tool with three razor-sharp circular blades designed to make this opening at the head of the cigar. The circular blades offer three different diameters in order that cigars of various sizes can be cut accurately. The Cigar Cutter has four additional, practical functions – a blade, scissors, nail file and nail cleaner complete this compact, pocket-sized bijou multi-tool. This ergonomic, precision instrument is made from the finest stainless steel available.
Rolls-Royce Black Badge Wraith Black Arrow: The Ultimate in Luxury and Performance: When it comes to luxury cars, few brands can match the prestige of Rolls-Royce. And when it comes to Rolls-Royce models, the Black Badge Wraith Black Arrow stands out as … Continue Reading →