Stoke’s Recognition Range of craft beers honours past employees of the McCashin’s Brewery.
They have released three new beers in their range:
Cirrus Wheat 5 %
In recognition of John Whiti who was a powerhouse of a man. He once fell through the McCashin Brewery roof to the concrete floor 2 storeys below and survived to tell the tale.
Double Pale Ale 5.5 %
In recognition of Jim Pollitt who worked in a English brewery built by Jim’s grandfather. He took a huge cut in salary to come and help setup the McCashin Brewery.
Rich Porter 4.8 %
In recognition of Bill Peck who worked in Rochdale Cider factory as a Factory hand in the early 1950s. He was the cider Factory Manager prior to its closing and when the cidery closed, Bill stayed on as caretaker. When McCashin purchased the factory in 1980, it was Bill who showed them around and sold them on the idea.